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Back to school time.

Time to get back into routine.

Meal planning has become one of our families’ top ways to save time and keep life a little more organized for all of us. It saves on multiple trips to the grocery store, helps to prevent wasting food and money, plus we no longer scramble to agree on what to have for dinner each day. Often that would lead us to order something out, especially after a long day of school, work, and extracurriculars. Again, costing more money and not always the healthiest choice either.

Then one day I discovered Purple Carrot.

Not only was it a meal delivery service ( Yay! Less trips to the store), but it helped us plan out meals and try new things.

The best part…

They are plant-based meals!

Our family throughout the past year started to transition towards more vegetarian options. It all started with meatless Mondays that we realized we enjoyed far more than we could’ve imagined. Soon we started to add in more meatless days to our week.

But sometimes it wasn’t always easy to find variety at our local grocery stores.

Purple Carrot has not only provided more options but made life even easier for us through their delivery service.

I thought meal planning saved trips to grocery store before. This took it to a whole other level!

Since I love weekly meal planning their Weekly Menu was where I started.

Purple Carrot’s Weekly Menu

They have so many options available for all meals throughout the day including snacks. Not to mention, I never would have come up with these meals on my own but now we have had the opportunity to try out so many new options.

I have found that a little prep and organization can save so much time to enjoy more of what we love with who we love. Meal planning has done just that for us and I know it will help make your busy days turn into much easier nights.

Try out Purple Carrot for yourself with $30 off using code carrot30 and let me know what you think!

Purple Carrot – $30 Off! Use code: carrot30