Let’s hit the reset button, shall we?

The last couple of years have been full of challenges, changes, and unknowns. I think it is safe to say that most of us have fallen into ruts, and even moments of hopelessness. So much has changed and has been out of our control.

But there are ways to regain control. Control of how you react and respond to things. How you spend your time and energy, who you allow into your life.

Choose this year to be a reset.

We may not be able to plan for everything that will come our way this year, or any year really, but by focusing on the well-being of ourselves and those most important to us we can be better prepared to adapt, adjust, and respond to whatever comes our way.

Where To Begin

You may have seen the challenges to focus on or choose one word for the year. A word to help guide you, inspire you.

Why Just A Word

Some of the goals or even promises we make to ourselves can be hard to keep.

Life gets busy and before we know it some of the goals we thought we would stick to have been long forgotten.

Having to choose just a word though. One word. To remember, focus on, and believe in, can be easy.

Think of it as similar to a mantra. A reminder for us. A way to bring peace, stability, and calm. A commitment to ourselves.

And all it is is a word.

How Do You Choose A Word?

And I don’t mean what is the actual process to choosing a word?

That can really be up to you.

Same with the word.

Want do you want the word to mean to you?

Are you looking for more to guide you this year? Inspiration?

Happiness? Calm?

What word will remind you of everything you want this year to be for you?

So, Can you guess my word yet?


Throughout the past year, I allowed a lot of my goals, plans, and dreams to be consumed by depression, anxiety, and the negative opinions of others. I focused and gave energy to thoughts and feelings that would do nothing to help me move forward but instead left me feeling stuck.

So I am choosing this year to reset. To redirect my focus and energy to what I want to accomplish. What I know I can.

I hope that sharing the “why” behind my choice for word of the year helps make it easier & even more fun to choose your own.

So, what will be your word for the year?

Take some time to think about it. What did you miss this past year? What are you longing for in the new year ahead? Next year at this time what do you want to look back on? To celebrate?

Do The Work, Trust Me It Will Be Fun

Start brainstorming.

Come up with as many words as you want. Which one do you keep coming back to?

I love using paper and pen for this but choose what works for you. Maybe it’s recording your spoken thoughts onto your phone. A video to yourself. A journal, a google doc, or even sticky notes. There is no right or wrong way to do it, just start and document it.

One prompt that really helped me choose my word for the year was asking myself “What did I learn from 2021?”. In writing out my response to this question, I took what I had learned and thought about how I wanted things to go differently this year. I then revisited my list of words and was able to identify which word would be the one to focus on to help me move forward this year. Reset.

Take some time today. It doesn’t have to be all at once either. This can be easy, and fun, and remember it’s all for you! Get a new notebook, or journal, something you will look forward to revisiting each day.

Brainstorm some words. What comes immediately to mind?

There are no right or wrong answers.

Ask yourself, what did this past year teach me? What did you discover as you wrote this down?

I hope you are as excited as I am to see where this year can take us. We are just getting started.