Hello again!

Don’t you just love summer reading?

There really is something special about being able to sit outside and enjoy a summer breeze or the extra hours of daylight with a good book.

Growing up I remember sitting outside for hours on end losing myself in one book after another. In fact I don’t think my mom could believe how often I needed to go back to the library to get more new books as I would finish many within a day.

Now as an adult I am so grateful for the time I get to sit out and enjoy reading with my girls. We have even recently started to read our bedtime stories outside too! Trust me, there is nothing better than letting them run around the yard to get out some of that extra energy before bed to come sit together on the deck, wind down and read our bedtime story.

So for this week’s “What We’re Reading” I am sharing a couple of our favorite bedtime stories along with a new book I picked up for the girls to inspire them to become strong, powerful women.

On the Night You Were Born, Nancy Tillman

There is just something about this book that makes it hard for me to read to the girls without crying. I’m a pisces so I do cry more than I’d like to admit but this book is eloquently written and just brings me right back to the day these two little ones entered my life whenever I read it to them.

I received the board book version from a friend at P’s baby shower and I must say I’ve gifted it to everyone I know who has had a baby since. The perfect, sweet story that makes it seem as though it is written for the very little one who it is read to. Although I often joke with P that her story would be On the Morning You Were Born.

I think perhaps what makes it so personal to all who read it is that it highlights how the world stops On the Night You Were Born and is celebrated all throughout by everyone. For us moms especially we know very well that when our little one entered the world the world truly did stop and is a moment in time we will never forget and cherish forever. Click here for your own copy or to give one as a gift.

Goodnight, Little One, Margaret Wise Brown

A sweet and easy to read bedtime story from the author of the classic Goodnight Moon. This book almost reads as lullaby. The adorable animals illustrated throughout just add to the setting of everyone getting cozy and ready for bed. This is often the last bedtime story I read to the girls and sure enough they are ready to doze off by the end.

A is For Awesome! 23 Iconic Women Who Changed The World, Eva Chen

I love any chance to fill my little girls’ minds with empowering and inspiring women, encouraging them to go after their dreams and not allowing anything or anyone to hold them back. What I also enjoy about books such as this one is the history lesson they gain from it as well. From Harriet Tubman to Ruth Bader Ginsburg this board book gives a quick and easy overview of some of the world’s most powerful women.

A note to all boy moms, this is not just a book for girls. Share with your little boys too how these amazing women helped to shape the world we live in today. One of my favorite take aways from this book are the quotes featured throughout. What a great idea to highlight a different quote each week on a message board or even as part of a sweet lunch box note. Click here to order your own copy and have fun learning.

We hope you enjoy these books as much as we did and don’t forget to take advantage of an outdoor bedtime story time one of these beautiful summer nights.

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