I have always loved to read and I mean loved as if there was anything I could choose to do over anything else it would be to read, or visit a library, or go to a bookstore.

Do you remember the scene in Beauty & The Beast where Belle discovers the library in the castle? Yep, I daydream about something like that all the time. There is no such thing as too many books… ever!

So needless to say I have a desire to instill the same love of books and reading into my little girlies. I mean it could be worse right?

I have read to both of them since the day I brought them home. We have gone to classes at our local library since they could barely sit up (great free activity for getting out of the house by the way). And of course we love a good stroll through the book store, especially one with a coffee shop.

Research has always shown that reading to children since before they can even talk not only helps them develop a love for reading but helps build their language skills, their imagination, their ability to problem solve and the list goes on and on.

It has been so great to see all of this unfold in P especially as she gets older. At 3 and a half years old now her curiosity for the words she sees in books, trying to sound them out and spell them is so neat to watch and blows my mind how quickly you can go from teaching them just how to turn a page in a book to reading it on their own.

Being a mom now I am so grateful that reading to my girls has reminded me how much I love it, how good it is to take time to read. It’s so easy to get caught up in the daily hustle and bustle and sadly before kids I allowed that “daily grind” to take away my time from the things I really enjoy like reading.

Sounds weird right? Having kids has helped me get back the time I need to enjoy doing what I like to do.

Well yes and no.

After having kids I seriously wonder what I did do with all of my time. I mean after all no one needed me to give them a bath, feed them, help clean up toys or play with Barbie dream house.

Instead though I spent my time on work, work and more work. Or cleaning and striving for the perfect house, perfect work life, perfect everything.

In other words things that weren’t necessary for me to be spending the time on them that I did. And sadly I lost some of who I truly was in it all. A girl who loves creating, writing and yep, you guessed it… reading!

So now that we have made it a point to prioritize reading back into our lives we would like to help you do the same. Each Wednesday we are going to share a What We’re Reading Wednesday. A little book club but with out the pressure of deadlines or always having to read the same book at the same time. Just some fun enjoying good books and time together.

Each week I plan on sharing what I am reading for my self and what the girlies and I are reading together.

So for our first What We’re Reading…a book that I am so glad I found for the girls, Sisters First written by sisters Jenna Bush Hager and Barbara Pierce Bush.

It tells the sweet story of the relationship that develops between sisters but also as the authors say “the power of sisterhood” and how that relationship can include women who are “friends and colleagues, women who lift us up and help us believe that we are enough”.

When little p was born I put together a big sister gift for P filled with different things to do at the hospital and things to recognize her new role as a big sis. I was on the hunt for a book just like this one (it was released a few months later) needless to say am glad we have it now.

It puts into words perfectly how special it is to have and be a sister. Along with such beautiful illustrations by Ramona Kaulitzki I truly enjoy reading this book as much as the girls do. Click HERE to add this book to your library.

For my own current read I am actually rereading one of my fav. books and one that I felt at this time was perfect for me to revisit. The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon speaks of the “energy vampires” we can encounter in our life, the detriment they can cause for us and how we can easily become just like them or instead choose to eliminate them for our own success and development.

This past year for me was full of “energy vampires” that I allowed to have far more control in my life than I ever should have. The worst part is that I allowed it to happen at one the most challenging moments in my life (more on that another day).

So in this new year I have promised myself to never get in situations like that again and this book like so many of Gordon’s is such a great way to remind myself and give me the tools to focus on riding a positive “energy bus” throughout this year and beyond! Click HERE to add this “energizing” book to your library.

I hope you all will enjoy these books as much as we have. Please share with us what you thought. We cannot wait to share more great books with you all!

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