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Living outside of Chicago, August really is like the last month of summer. We will get warm days after but not consistently and there will be a lot of cool fall-like days mixed in come September (all for it btw!). Since this year I had off all summer we definitely had the chance to enjoy the outdoors and warm summer days more than ever. Lots of inflatable pool parties over here!

Anyone who lives around here knows though that winter seems longer than the summer months. So we are making sure to capture the last few summer days we can with a mini August bucket list. I say mini because sometimes I see these lists and they seem overwhelming to me; 50 things to do this month…what? There aren’t even 50 days in the month! So I’ve narrowed down a smaller list that is more to remind us to take it easy and enjoy some of these last few summer days. I hope you can take the time to enjoy these things too.

Camp Fires & Smore’s

Ok, so we’re not actually camping but you know what I mean. August starts to be a perfect month for this since some of the nights get a little cooler than they did in June and especially July. sometimes I’ll have some glow sticks or glow bracelets for the girls to have fun with as it starts to get dark (because unfortunately, that starts to happen earlier too now). We use our marshmallow roasting sticks which make it so much easier to help the girls safely roast marshmallows. A plate with some chocolate and graham crackers, a snuggly blanket, and you’re ready for a fun summer night.

Pool Party Days

Of course, you have to fit in a few more of these. Summer sun, sunscreen of course, music, snacks, and our fav. inflatable pool! I am only disappointed we did not find this pool sooner as it is perfect. It is the most durable inflatable pool I have found yet (and I’m thinking this is our 5th!). We currently have the 92″x56″ but I am going to also be ordering the larger 120″x72″ now. As I learned this year in July when another brand of inflatable pool we had got a couple of holes in it and no longer was usable, it is impossible to find inflatable pools in the summer. Although I truly believe this brand, Homech, is durable enough I will not have to worry about that, I wouldn’t mind the bigger size so I can comfortably float in with the girls.

Fun At The Playground

With state shutdowns due to Covid our playgrounds did not open until July and it was hot in July. So we are just starting to get out to enjoy them especially on some of these cooler evenings. Swinging, going down the slide, building our muscles attempting the monkey bars (seriously how did I ever do those as a kid?), so much fun at the playground. Especially because I know soon enough we will be driving past them in the winter with the little ones saying “mom I can’t wait to go the park again” and as I look at the temp reading in the car and see a chilly 25 degrees looking back at me I’ll feel the same way.

Have A Picnic

The best part is you can do this for any meal of the day; breakfast, lunch, dinner, a snack. And guess what, you can go somewhere to do this or you can just stay home. I love just putting out a blanket in our backyard, grabbing some snacks and drinks and we daydream about being somewhere far away. My littlest nugget is as always enjoying her favorite snacks from Gerber which are super easy to make part of outdoor mealtime. Click here for a free gift and free shipping from Gerber on orders of $49 and up.

I hope you all get a chance to soak in these final few summer weeks. If you feel like you’re struggling with finding time to make it happen check out my post on Planning Out My Months. I cannot wait to share with you all our September bucket list, but of course not until we are done with August. Sign up to be a Pen Pal to receive posts like these straight to your inbox and as always I promise not to flood it.


  1. I feel more relaxed just reading this post! It’s always tough on the kids to see their summer break slipping away. These are some great ideas to help them enjoy the rest of their summer in simple, relaxing ways. We’ll get those s’mores done before school if it kills me! 🙂

    1. Oh, I’m so glad! I easily get overwhelmed trying to do too much and as soon as I started to cut my list down I felt so much relief.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. As fellow mid-Westerners, we agree! You have to hold on to all the summer you can get! Love your ideas, and where did you get that outdoor fireplace?? It’s stunning!!

    1. Right?! September cannot be trusted for warm weather around here lol. Fireplace is from Menards and we love it for the safety with the girls since it does not have an open-top as many do. The door helps for roasting smores or adding logs but keeps everything safe & contained! Highly recommend!

  3. I like the idea of a monthly list post. I live in the Midwest also and completely understand the panic of summer slipping away. My kids are older (starting middle and high school) and just like everyone always says, the time only flies by faster as the kids get older. It looks like you’re doing a good job of enjoying everyday and documenting it.

  4. Such simple but fun ideas for parents, or even young adult can do with friends, well minus the play ground idea 😉
    Enjoying the last bits of summer is something you’ll never regret! The summer always goes by so fast!

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