Yep you read that right… KEEPING your goals! Overwhelming, intimidating, too much work; all ways I’ve viewed some of my past goals and then you probably guessed it, I just dropped them. The problem wasn’t the goal itself though but my lack of commitment to it from the start. With a good plan in place, click here for tips to get started, and using these 5 easy tips to keeping your goals, you’ll be on your way to success before you know it!

5 Easy Tips To Keeping Your Goals

  1. Support, from someone who you can count on to cheer you on, believe in you, while also holding you accountable. Maybe you set up a certain time each month for an accountability check in. Or be each others partners, while they cheer you on you do the same for them. Knowing that someone is cheering for us, supporting us, makes it harder for us to want to disappoint them. And just think of how great it will be to celebrate together when you reach that goal!
  2. Keep it front & center, literally. Create a vision board, carry a paper with a picture of your goal or write it down somewhere you know you will look at each day. When we see it everyday it is a reminder for us that everything we choose to do in our day can get us closer to reaching that goal.
  3. Rewards, who doesn’t love this? Yes, achieving that goal in the end will be the biggest reward of all but it can be hard to have to wait until the end. So set timelines for when you hit a milestone or reach a certain level of obtaining that big overall goal, give your self a reward to recognize you are making progress.
  4. Repercussions, admittedly probably the least favorite tip but that is kind of what makes it effective. It is a reminder that you are doing this for YOU. It is your goal that will lead to your success. Although, at times, factors in life can get in the way, in the end, you are in change of what is going to make it possible and you are in charge of what can also make it fail.
  5. Never forget who it’s for, YOU! This is YOUR goal. You are trying to do something to better YOU. So in the end do you want to let yourself down? You believed in this goal, you wanted it, and you knew it could happen. Remind yourself this when you want to give up. When you have a day that you feel like it is no longer obtainable. Remind yourself that at one time you knew you could and this might just be one bad day so pick back up tomorrow and keep going. You’ve got this!