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Want to make your life so much easier?

How about spending less time getting content out in your Pinterest world?

Wait, there’s more.

How about creating an entire pin all in one place?

And then…

Yep, even more!

Imagine creating multiple pins all at once!

Well, let me introduce you to your new best friend, the work buddy you have always dreamed of,

Tailwind Create.

I have been using Tailwind for all of my Pinterest scheduling for quite some time now and not only have I seen increases in my Pinterest metrics but it’s easy to use and time-efficient too. I have more recently started using it for scheduling my Instagram posts also and let’s just say now instead of waking up even earlier than I already do to create and post, I have it all prepped and planned for me in Tailwind. 

Not to mention, compared to all the other programs I have used and incorporated into my blogging business, Tailwind is quite affordable. In fact, when I first started using Tailwind I tried it out with their free trial that required no credit card, who does that? 

No one! 

You get up to 30 Instagram posts and 100, yes, 100 Pinterest pins to try for free! I just knew that when I tried out their free trial it would be something I couldn’t live without moving forward but I also knew this was a company I could trust. (Note; Tailwind for Pinterest and Instagram are two separate paid subscriptions for each platform but totally worth it for both).

So here I was working more efficiently and enjoying the work I was doing when something happened.

Just as if it couldn’t have gotten any better, the creative masterminds at Tailwind went ahead and decided to make it even better, more efficient, and truly a time saver. Tailwind Create allows me to create all of my pins in one place.

But what gets even better is they actually do all of the creating for me and provide me with beautiful, unique, eye-catching pin designs I never would have come up with on my own. Plus, the pins that I was creating were taking me much longer to produce and required at least one if not two other additional programs. Just look at my example below of all the different design concepts they created for me just by me adding in a picture and few details.

A few of the designs generated for me by Tailwind Create

Now maybe you like to create and add your personal touch to your pin designs.

Don’t worry, you still can.

Tailwind Create allows you to customize your brand colors, edit text, and other special touches you would like to add to the designs to make them unique to you. It also allows you to create multiple pins at once and schedule them to pin as soon as they are ready to go.

I’m busy, we’re all busy, so any way to work smarter and not harder is a game-changer for me and I know it will be for you too!

Want to see how Tailwind Create works for yourself? Check out this video here