Change can bring about feelings of fear and anxiety especially when we start to feel out of control. But change does not always have to be a bad thing. And although it can cause us to feel uncertain about the future it may lead to better things. In fact when reflecting back on our life many good things have come out of change.
When we write things down it helps us to organize our thoughts and even come to realizations we may have previously been unaware of. This worksheet will help you to identify what you are most fearful of in this time of change in your life. For example one of my top three fears is becoming permanently laid off from work. The worst that I envision happening for me is not being able to contribute income to our family that we need. Something good that can happen is turning my dream job into reality.
I hope you find this worksheet helpful. This is step one in our confronting change journey. Stay tuned for more resources to come. Also when you sign up for emails from Nichole’s Notebook you will get templates like this and more straight to your inbox!