Warm sunny days are almost here but they really cannot get here soon enough can they?

So what can we do to give ourselves something to brighten things up in the meantime?

Believe it or not, there are little home upgrades you can do that cost either little to no money but will help give you something to feel good about and hopefully hold you over until those sunny days finally decide to stick around.

Simple, quick, inexpensive home improvements.

Home improvements do not always have to mean huge, expensive, overhauls.

For example, although we really want to redo our entire master bedroom; new furniture set, paint, rugs, closet upgrades, it is not in the budget for both our finances or our time.

So we broke down the big project into a smaller bite-sized project we could make much more manageable but also hold us over until we could go all out.

We painted one wall an accent color, bought a new bedding set, and new pillows…finally! Never underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep and pillows are so fundamental in that. Yet strangely enough, they were never on my priority list. I frequently bought inexpensive ones just to get us by. They not only did not last very long but also didn’t ever do much for a quality night’s sleep.

A few small quick improvements, using a fraction of the budget we would have needed for a complete overhaul, and yet I feel like we have a whole new bedroom!

Plants, plants, & more plants.

If you are like me something I miss the most in the winter are my plants and flowers.

I daydream about the day I get to go back out in my gardens and spend an afternoon at the garden center.

One way I have indulged this desire for seeing something green again is adding indoor plants.

I know what you might be thinking though, it can be hard.

I get it.

Our house has a less than ideal environment for indoor plants. Some rooms stay too cold, some have too much heat, and the lighting is a whole other issue.

So I have gone with faux.

I never thought I would but some of the faux options out there now are so real looking, plus add in some cute planters and I bet you’ll hardly be able to tell the difference while making your heart a lot happier and your space a lot greener.

Rearrange the furniture.

Just go for it.

Try something that maybe you think is kind of crazy or won’t work out.

You won’t know until you try right?

Not to mention when you move things around it gives the perfect chance to clean those areas you might usually avoid because they are too hard to get to ( hello head start on spring cleaning!).

It doesn’t have to even be a big change. We recently switched end tables from one side of the couch to the other and it was like I had a whole new living room set.

Then sit with it for a week or two especially if you are unsure of the change at first. You might be totally surprised that your crazy idea actually works and maybe even better than how things were before.

Without adding anything new or spending any money you will feel like you have a whole new space.

Change out pictures in your frames.

Sure you more than likely love the pictures in your frames, that’s why they are there, to bring back good memories of something you want to see and be reminded of.

But how long have those same pictures been in those frames?

What about all the new great memories you have made since those you currently have on display?

Ok, confession time here; I had very few pictures up of little p and she’s going on two years old. Yes, I felt horrible but time flies, and I know choosing and editing photos is something I could spend days on. But I did it and now I am so happy that I did.

After changing out the pictures throughout our home, it was so refreshing to have something new to see in those frames. I hadn’t realized that I was hardly noticing the frames at all because of how long they had stayed the same.

Shop your home.

Maybe you have heard this phrase already and wonder what exactly does that mean anyways?

It’s easy, fun, and costs no money!

Let’s say you have a shelf with some really great items on it but they are hidden away in the bedroom for example. Move those items to a bookshelf instead that might be in a more trafficked area of your home such as a kitchen or family room.

Maybe one area in your home seems a bit cluttered with items. Take these and spread them out to other areas that you might have thought you needed to go shop for.

You’ll be surprised how things can seem new again and refreshing just by placing it somewhere it hasn’t been yet.

Try these ideas out and let me know how it made your space feel.